Saturday, January 12, 2008

Some news

So... What's coming up?

Well, first, I'm going to add new mascots to our Team, there will be a total of 5 to 6 mascots in the end, and each one has one specific departement...

Cider-Tan is and will keep be, the Studios' mascot and my poor little scapegoat >3

Banana-Tan is, i know many of you won't like her because of that... and some will especially love her...., the Hentai section mascot... of me and Buster Wolf currently...

Grape-ChanShe has no special meaning for now... I've decided to add her to the fanservice section... since she's the youngest one and is somehow... cute on her own special way i guess...

Ichigo-Tan will be responsible for the Home Security Section... well, that means she will be the natural swear enemy of Banana-Tan I guess xD;;;

Melon-Tan, she will take over the Community Section... well, there's not much to add to it now...

Well, as I said, we have a Hentai-Section accound @ hentai-foundry, hmmm... yes...>>;

The accound name is "MilkyBananaJuice" yeah,.... veeeeery creative -.-....

Another thing is, that I might have found another freshwoman for our team.... she lifes near me, and that's what makes me especially happy... well, let us hope that the other members will accept her as well as I did ^^;

Preview: Banana-tan/Cider Huggle! ^^


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